I have used both the Black and Silver editions (I haven’t seen the White edition as yet) in a range of situations and found both to be an improvement over the Hero 2. Lower def shooting modes than the Black Edition No Wifi Remote but this can be bought seperately Photo every 5, 10, 30, 60 seconds or can be manually triggeredġ x 12 Megapixel still while recording video in 1440p 24fpsġ x 8 Megapixel still while recording video in 1080p 30fpsġ x 8 Megapixel still while recording video in 720p 60fps But what really makes the white, silver and black editions different to one another is what goes on inside.ģ Black Editions: Adventure, Surf, or Motorsports – all are the same only difference is some of the supplied mounts. That is the Black edition’s 3 is black and the Silver Editions 3 is silver etc. Looking at the different cameras (I have silver and black editions) the “3” within Hero3 is coloured to match the cameras edition. The form factor will be familiar to all who have seen or already own the white or silver editions. My black edition Gopro Hero 3 arrived in the UK a couple of weeks ago.