Instructions for adding your personal pronouns to this service, and others, can be found on the Using Pronouns with IT Services page.For faculty and staff email, items contained in the Deleted Items folder will automatically be removed after 30 days, while items in the Junk Email folder will automatically be removed after 60 days.This address list is available in Webmail, and may be available in other email clients depending on the configuration. All names and addresses automatically populate the Global Address List.Just sign in with your Hotmail email address and password when you get there.

Client side spam filters are also available. is nowadays just one of several aliases for, so thats where youd expect to end up.Spam filtering is provided automatically on the server.The storage quota for students after moving to Microsoft 365 is 50 GB.Para desbloquear sua conta, inicialmente recomendado que siga as instrues indicadas no artigo que deixarei lincado logo abaixo. The current storage quota for faculty and staff is 10 GB. Espero poder ajud-lo (a) da melhor forma.